News, Insights,
and Resources

Read on for the latest announcements on how Beacon’s clients, people, and technology are crafting the future of financial services in the cloud, as well as our insights on challenges facing the industry and how we help solve them.

What do you do when you want to trade a new product but your trading and risk systems don’t support it? Add a parallel system and lose full visibility of your portfolio? Or book placeholder trades and rely on proxy

“I enjoy seeing how our company and clients operate. This is something that’s difficult to learn from a book, so these real-life experiences at Beacon have been enlightening.” Typical Day First Things Cross the garden to my shed where I

In my sales travels I talk with a lot of developers in energy and commodity, banking, investment, and insurance markets. A common thread I hear is the challenge of leveraging existing investments in code and data, gaining access to new

Beacon Platform makes it easier to manage the elastic compute functionality of cloud providers. To help you keep track of compute usage as elastic CPU capacity automatically scales up and down, we have developed a simple management app. Available in

Learn how Blackstone, the world’s largest alternative asset manager, is leveraging Beacon and Snowflake to enhance its data and analytics capabilities. “With Beacon’s flexible and extensible data model, we are able to answer a greater number of increasingly sophisticated questions and

By Lukasz Macura & Steve Rapaport Beacon may be a buy-and-build platform, but we are always looking for ways to make the building part faster and easier for you. We’ve introduced several frameworks and low-code tools, including Glint, Fragments Framework,

By Claus Murmann and Ben Merrett Since releasing CME Group’s DataMine plugin on the Beacon App Store last year, many customers have taken advantage of our integration with dataset from the world’s leading derivatives marketplace. We have recently added three

Working as a quant has enough challenges without having to struggle with fragmented technology stacks, siloed processes, and tedious manual workflows. Time spent navigating these issues is taken directly from the models and analytics that contribute to the firm’s yield

By Claus Murmann and Tony Yum Beacon Front Office Suite includes reference implementations of pricing models such as Black-Scholes, Ju and Zhong American option approximation, and binary trees. That said, some customers prefer to use their own pricing library and/or

Increased volatility, the growth of new asset classes, increased exposure to illiquid assets, and stricter and broader financial regulations are pushing investment firms to seek better and more efficient ways to meet today’s risk dynamics. Managing risk parameters, preparing “what-if”

Stay tuned for company news, product updates, and up-to-the-minute perspectives.