News, Insights,
and Resources

Read on for the latest announcements on how Beacon’s clients, people, and technology are crafting the future of financial services in the cloud, as well as our insights on challenges facing the industry and how we help solve them.

As the finance industry trading volumes increase, end-of-day or even hourly modeling of position risks and portfolio exposures are not enough. Higher uncertainty and market volatility have been driving demands to significantly increase the performance interval of our risk analytics

The release of ChatGPT by OpenAI late last year has taken the world by storm. Enterprises around the world have seen the tremendous potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), with their transformative forces touching virtually every

Many of our clients that use front-to-back trading systems are running into functionality gaps, such as an instrument they want to trade is not supported, the software does not get updated frequently enough, or the platform has scalability and performance

Very few companies want to maintain their own computers—it’s just not part of their competitive advantage. Eventually the cloud came along and made it feasible to use slices of someone else’s computers as virtual machines. Using cloud applications and services

The Hydra in Greek and Roman mythology was a multi-headed serpent that spawned two new heads when one was cut off. Modern technology stacks can quickly grow to resemble this beast. Start with a core set of applications that support

In my sales travels I talk with a lot of developers in energy and commodity, banking, investment, and insurance markets. A common thread I hear is the challenge of leveraging existing investments in code and data, gaining access to new

Beacon Platform makes it easier to manage the elastic compute functionality of cloud providers. To help you keep track of compute usage as elastic CPU capacity automatically scales up and down, we have developed a simple management app. Available in

Learn how premier asset manager PIMCO is transforming their massive analytics spreadsheets into scalable and shareable cloud-powered tools, increasing the scale and speed of their analytics and boosting returns. “By using the Beacon platform we are increasing the speed of

Working as a quant has enough challenges without having to struggle with fragmented technology stacks, siloed processes, and tedious manual workflows. Time spent navigating these issues is taken directly from the models and analytics that contribute to the firm’s yield

By Claus Murmann and Tony Yum Beacon Front Office Suite includes reference implementations of pricing models such as Black-Scholes, Ju and Zhong American option approximation, and binary trees. That said, some customers prefer to use their own pricing library and/or

Stay tuned for company news, product updates, and up-to-the-minute perspectives.